Please visit and for 24 hour shopping and more information about Vermont Marble, Granite, Slate & Soapstone Co.
10014 US Route 4, Whitehall NY 12887
Use food grade mineral oil on your soapstone countertops. This will darken all the stone tenfold to almost a black color.
Directions: Rub it onto the stone (not too much so that it remains looking wet). Rub off any excess. Over time, the mineral oil will need to be re-applied (every 4-8 weeks) to keep all the countertops uniform in color as the oil will evaporate. If time goes by and you wish to return the tops color to the original grayish blue, you can with a lot of sandpaper and a few hours of time – have a friend help and use an electric flat sander
Please visit and for 24 hour shopping and more information about Vermont Marble, Granite, Slate & Soapstone Co.
10014 US Route 4, Whitehall NY 12887